How do you make a child abuse compensation claim?
Securing a compensation payment is a complex process. Your best first step is to identify a specialist solicitor who can work through your claim with you and explain everything in detail. All cases are different and you will be treated as an individual. We will listen to you to achieve the best possible outcome.
You don’t necessarily need to have pursued a criminal case to be successful in claiming compensation, but it can make the process of claiming damages quicker and more straightforward. This is true both of recent abuse cases and historic abuse claims.
If you have reported to the police then you may be able to claim compensation from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme – a government-funded scheme to compensate victims of violent crime.
As part of our investigations we will gather evidence about the abuse and investigate how it has affected you.
This may involve examining a large number of documents, such as police files, social services files, your education records and health records as well as interviewing witnesses and obtaining reports from experts.
If a successful claim looks possible, one of the first steps is for us to then enter into early discussions with the proposed defendant before court proceedings are issued, by way of sending a letter of claim and awaiting a letter of response. We will ensure you’re consulted, and keep you informed through every step of the claim.
Can you stay anonymous in a child abuse claim?
We keep your details and the details of your claim confidential and treat all documents in connection with your case as such. We will always ask your permission to contact others about your case, including social services and the police.
If you wish, we can apply to the court to make your details confidential on court documents, in connection with your claim. However, the facts that form the basis of your claim will need to be disclosed at some point to the defendant, their insurers, solicitors, court, medical experts and organisations funding your case (such as the Legal Aid Agency).
We are happy to discuss any concerns you may have about confidentiality at any point during the case.
Will my child abuse compensation claim be reported in the media?
It is unlikely but possible that the media will report on your case but there are steps we can take to make sure your identity is not revealed.
If you were the victim of sexual assault, your details can never lawfully be revealed in the media without your explicit consent.
Social services failures leading to child abuse claims
Social services have a duty to protect children who are at risk of abuse and neglect.
Unfortunately, sometimes a child may experience abuse and neglect when social services could have taken steps to protect them. Children may even be placed in a foster setting which becomes abusive. In cases such as this, you may be able to bring a claim for damages.
If social services have failed to manage you and your family appropriately and left you in a situation where you have experienced abuse or neglect that could have been avoided, we may be able to help.
Claims against social services can be very complex and require a great deal of expertise. Our dedicated team of specialist child abuse lawyers includes members of the Association of Child Abuse Lawyers (ACAL) and has considerable experience in this complex area of law.